
4′ X 6′ mural, Windows of Hawaii, Hawaiiana Floral Series, Tempera on Watercolor Paper, Laura, 1992.

No experience is needed to start.

Class sessions: Recommended grades K-3 and 4-7. Small group classes of 3-6 students.

Private lessons available by request.

ArtlyMus Art Classes – Art classes are tailored to meet the needs of each person in the class. Basic Drawing and Painting Classes explore art elements such as, but not limited to: form, lines, shapes, patterns, shading, textures, fundamentals, technique, basic color theory while seeking to inspire and encourage individuals to creatively express themselves- knowledge that seems to be more and more important for later formal study. ArtlyMus Art Classes are unique in that the structured lessons seek to integrate other disciplines such as history, social studies, politics, science, music, as they encourage the students to relate to art in their everyday lives. Proper critique and analysis is done at every class for positive encouragement. ArtlyMus does not guarantee success in art, however, all of these experiences help to foster culture, creativity, and self-expression, as one builds a sense of value in oneself and of the life around oneself. Some serious students that were taught some basic techniques and concepts with me have explored portfolio building, while others have gone on to further study of multi-media and digital, video, and won scholarships to the Honolulu Museum of Art School, Linekona School, Young Artist Classes.

Class Scheduling is On-going.

***** E-mai to join or form your own  class and for schedule availability. *****


General Schedule Session Dates: 

Sorry, art classes are currently unavailable. Ala carte private lessons and classes are pending due to pending renovations. 

General Schedule Subject to Change. E-mail to request more information.

All Rates were scheduled to be re-assessed in July, 2019 with rate increases that were previously set to start September, 2019, but are now pending the planned renovations.

NEW: Private lessons will be scheduled around the regular piano and art lesson block (and/or priority given to regular, long-term committed students.) Short-Term Ala Carte Sessions are for groups or individuals wanting to work on special projects such as a particular style or medium.

Regular Private lesson Cost: $30.00 per 30-minutes private lesson including tax and materials and students must sign-up for at least 3 ala carte lessons and payment must be made and received for $90.00 with the intent of attending 3 lessons. No refunds are given after the first lesson or for missed lessons. There is a $20.00 withdrawal fee and a $30 returned check fee.

Short-Term Ala Carte Class Session Cost: $60.00 per 3 week session. Note: Ala Carte Schedule includes one 3-week session. Cost per 30-minutes lesson is $20.00 including tax and materials, however, these are structured lessons and payment must be made and received for $60.00 with the intent of attending the entire 3 week session. No refunds are given after the first class or for missed lessons. There is a $20.00 withdrawal fee and a $30 returned check fee. For those students that are able to, please allow time for 60-minutes lessons for classes with 3 or more students for the gratis given additional minutes (as scheduling allows), and same, lesson fee.

1. E-mail to Create a class- Classes are scheduled by confirmation only. Requesting groups must have 2-6 students to create a class. OR you may e-mail an inquiry for information on joining forming and confirmed classes. PLEASE STATE your contact phone number AND availability or requesting day/time!

2. AFTER e-mailing to confirm a day/time, register by clicking on the attached file that will be provided in your confirmation e-mail for the Art Registration Form. Next, mail in your completed form with your check or money order or bring with you by the first class session. A follow-up call and confirmation via e-mail or USPS may be sent for all registrations received at least one week prior to the start date. You may be told not mail in your form/payment but to just submit in person to the instructor if too close to the confirmed start date as form/payment must be received by the first day of class.